Monday, June 17, 2013

Guilty pleasures

Helloooooo. Haven't been posting for quite a few days. Been busy with the school contests and all ! 

Anyways , as my title of this post states 'Guilty Pleasures'. 
Yes , I really do have a lot of guilty pleasures. Countless or so I might say. But I'll only be revealing some. 
First of all , I LOVEEEEE SHOPPING FOR BRANDED STUFFS. Yes , I do. And I know I shouldn't. After all, I'm not the 'rich' kid who have unlimited amount of money. I have my limits. But all in all , I still really does love shopping for branded stuffs. I find it so 'entertaining'. And yes , part of me shops in order to make myself feels better. I might always go about saying 'oh hey , I have no shirts no wear' but in actuality , I have a ton. I just chose not to wear, for some reasons even I don't know why. And I'm really picky about my clothes. If I don't like it on my first wear , I'll probably not wear that shirt ever again. So , yeah , it's just gonna be kept in my closet. And the amount of clothes in my closet right now is countless. It's really hard to rearrange it since there's too many. And yes , I have to throw away some but I'm hesitant to do so. Some of my favorite shirts are already old , but I still want to keep it. But it's taking up too many spaces of the closet. I hate having to clear up my closets. 

Oh, and I've been reallyyyyyy addicted to '50 shades of Grey'. Just started reading it today and I'm already half way through. Probably gonna finish it today. It's weird is it not ? That I'm so strikingly INLOVE with this book. And yes , I really do love the way Christian Gray is ! And I love how he makes love to Anastasia. Believe it or not , I actually like that kind of relationship. I mean , the fire is always lit ! So there's a high chance that the relationship won't die that fast right ? Okay , I'm in awe and all but I'm appall with the idea of 'real life sex'. I don't know why, but I'm just not that keen on it. Ask teenagers nowadays if they do watch porn or not, some would lie and some wouldn't. But for me , truthfully , no. I don't watch porn. It sickens me. This might offend some of you but yes, I hate and I mean literally hate watching porn. And no , I don't have those crazy sexual desires. I don't know why. 
But the guilty part is that , I love reading erotic novels and manga. I find it really captivating and entertaining. I'm free to imagine it however I want when I read it. So yes, I prefer this way to just having to watch something that is 'so set' and you can't let your imaginations 'run wild'. 
Ah, oh no , I'm not innocent at all. Indeed, I am very sick minded. I know that very well, and so does my friends. I'm known to be the 'sickest' of my friends sometimes. And right now, as I am reading '50 shades of Grey' my imagination just keeps running wilder and wilder. 
But yeah , I don't read erotic novels and manga that often. I read it like once in three months ? Sometimes even half a year. And '50 shades of Gray' is my first erotic novel of the year! 
I really do like the idea of 'erotic novel'. I don't know why. I just do. And yeah , that's why it's my guilty pleasure. 
I'm really keen on finding out what happens at the end of the book ! 
I have the whole collection of '50 shades trilogy' and I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever get any sleep tonight since I'll probably be really engrossed in the book. I bring that book with me wherever I go currently. But not the toilet. I'm scared that I'll ruin it. And I hate getting my book ruin ! And by ruin , I mean even just a simple scratch will irritates me. Because I simply hate the sight of reading a book that's not neat, nice and clean ! I'm not really keen on keeping my room clean, but my books are something I make sure no one will scratch it ! And if a friend wants to borrow a book of mine , of course I'll lend it to him/her but I make sure that I warn them not to 'hurt' or dirty the book. If not , even if it's my best friend or someone really special to me , I think I'll still get mad. I'm quite a freak when it comes to my books. I love books. It's the first thing that I've always loved since I was young until now. And I'm not letting anyone take that away from me. I've spent thousands of dollars just on book and I don't even have a single regret ! 
Maybe I've rant too much about books. 

Next guilty pleasure: I love being mean to people ! 
Yes , I really do. I find the feeling of it so awesome ! I mean , of course I won't be mean all of the times. Only sometimes. And oh god , I just loveeee the feeling of it. It's just so 'heavenly'? 
Yes, I'm very sadistic at times. And when I am , I'm like super mean. And some people might get offended. I simply speak so frankly and no , I don't really care what others think. Because I'm only frank with those that I'm close to. And I trust them enough to voice out how I really think about them or how I really think about things. So yes, I would be very frank. 
And I just love the idea of drowning people in sarcasm. I mean , people won't know if I was being serious or not. Hohoho. I can just say that I was joking and they wouldn't be pissed anymore right ? But yeah , there's an extend to that. 
Oh and , I love the feeling of watching people suffer. One reason why I'm really into horror movies is that watching them suffer from all those sufferings are such a pleasing feeling and pleasure to my eyes. I just really do like it. I know it's not all that good of a point, but it's me. I tend to laugh a lot even at the worse situation possible and the ones that surround me would be pissed at me, but after I had laughed my heart out , I would sincerely apologize. I just find it so hard to control my laughter , especially in serious situations. 

Okay , I've rant a lot today. 
And I had quite the good day actually. 
I think I shall go back to my '50 shades of Grey'. 
Bye byeeeeee 

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