Monday, July 28, 2014


Sometimes I sit alone; wondering; 

What life would be like if I hadn't met you? 
What life would be life if I hadn't stayed strong? 
What is life? 
What am I? 
Who am I? 
Why am I this way? 
What is it that's bothering me? 

And the more I wonder, the more question appears; 

What will the future be like? 
Will it be okay? 
Do I really not fear death? 

And it got me thinking even more; 

What is he doing? 
How is he doing? 
What's on his mind? 
Can I bring him the happiness he needs? 
Am I good enough for him? 

But then there's no answer. There's only one thought; one sentence is sufficient: 

I miss him. 

There's only one answer to all my questions: 

Just live. 

Three words; Eight letters to describe what I feel for him; 

I love him. 

Yet another question; 

How much do i love him? 

There's no answer. There's no limit. And that is scary but there's no time to be afraid; only time to love and to show him so. 

Yet another question; 

What would I do without him? 

The only answer I can think of: 

"I don't know" 

The only thought on my mind: 

"Life would crumble; nothing would be the same" 

I tell myself this every day; 

"You're a fool for allowing yourself to expose yourself to pain and risk losing the one of the most important in your life" 

But my inner self fought back; 

"He's worth becoming a fool for" 

And then I close my eyes and remember the beautiful moments with him and how beautiful and warm life is. 

I love you, Sim Jia Liang <3 

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